Thickness of sock

Light (L) socks are knitted flat, designed to fit the
foot perfectly.
Medium (M) socks have terry knitting on the sole
Heavy (H) socks are full terry or partial terry on the
foot or on the shaft.
Pair weight is shown with all products in grams.

Thermal grades of sock

UphillSport socks have thermal grades from 1 to 5,
No 1 being the coolest and No 5 the warmest.
The grade is determined by the structure and
material combination.
A multi-layer structure gives a higher thermal grade
compared to similar thickness socks. With multi-layer
we can make a warm sock, however thin in structure.
Socks have an identifier in the name:
For example ‘M3’ = Medium thickness, thermal grade 3
For example ‘H5’ = Heavy thickness, thermal grade 5

For cold conditions we have
selected materials that work
together and keep the freeze
Sock is knitted with a seamless
toe area. True linking makes the
toe area comfortable.
For better fitting on the heel
area, we use Y shaped knitting.
Important with shaft less socks.
Socks need to be at one with your
feet. By adding elastic yarns in the
right places you can feel your feet
with the right fit and grip.
Structures and materials are
breathable to keep your feet dry.
Ventilated structure.
Quick-Dry treatment gives moisture
protection to Polyamide or Polyester
yarns. This is an extra treatment during
the yarn dying process.
The Multi-layer structure brings the best
out of the materials. Yarns are knitted
into layers to maximize breathing and